The Dangers of Fad Diets

Eating Freely
4 min readOct 1, 2020

Dieting culture is all around us and it’s going nowhere anytime soon. It’s nearly impossible to traverse the internet nowadays without some influencer trying to sell you skinny teas with their discount code every few stories you flick through. It’s not just small time influencers who promote these kinds of modern fad diets and detoxes, ‘celebrities’ like the Kardashians have even endorsed these kinds of teas (no surprises there). This just goes to show the magnitude of the weight loss industry and just how much emphasis is put on being skinny as the be all and end all and the answer to all your life’s woes. Many people who come to Eating Freely to get specialised support with their Binge Eating Disorder will have tried every diet under the sun, all to no avail.

These people could be described as ‘yo-yo dieters’ as their weight goes up and down with every diet they follow and later abandon. In fact, the average serial dieter in America will undertake on average four diets a year. This level of intense change to the nutrition your body is receiving will undoubtedly take a huge toll on your body, your gut and your mental health. It is not healthy and quite dangerous to put your body into starvation mode regularly which, for people with Binge Eating Disorder, will most likely cause them to binge at night. Let’s explore some of the dangers of fad diets that you might not have realised:



Eating Freely

Eating Freely is the World’s Leading Network of Binge Eating Disorder Specialists. We train Therapists and Coaches to help clients find food freedom, forever.